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Online Workshop STORYTELLING

Beginn: Ende: Veranstaltungsort: Online
  • CET Workshops
Would you like to define the impact you can create with your research? Do you want to communicate it in a way that it sticks to people, even outside of science? In this workshop you will get to know the key elements of the storytelling method and put them into practice to convey your own scientific ideas. Take your research on a Hero's Journey! Receive feedback from our experts and an interdisciplinary team of peers, who are – like you – Master's Students, PhDs or Postdocs with the ambition to innovate.


  • Define your own desired impact
  • Getting to know the power of storytelling and emotions in communicating your own scientific ideas
  • Conveying content in such a way that it sticks and creates an impact–even outside of sience

Who we are

Young Entrepreneurs in Science is an interactive workshop programme for Master‘s Students, PhDs and postdocs to help you ignite your entrepreneurial spirit! Together with your peers, you will learn methods and skills to realise your innovative potential.
Admission is free and no previous knowledge is required.


Would you like to find out more about the workshop?

You can find more information here

Who is this workshop for?

For PhDs, postdocs & advanced master’s students of all disciplines

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